13.20.010 Prohibited Conduct.
The following acts and uses are prohibited in park properties and facilities.
(a) Damage, degrade, deface, place graffiti upon or in any way vandalize park properties and facilities.
(b) Litter, as described in Section 17.08.010. If no proper receptacles are provided, all litter shall be carried away from the premises by the person, group or organization responsible for its presence and properly disposed of elsewhere. This is to include the dumping of all household debris, trash and green waste.
(c) Possess, exhibit or use firearms, air guns, slingshots, firecrackers fireworks, torpedoes, rockets, missiles, or weapons of any sort designed or used to harm another, with the exception of peace officers authorized by the Penal Code.
(d) Fish, wade, swim, or bathe except in places designated therefor.
(e) Conduct or provide any class or service without having secured a vendor's permit or City contract and a business tax certificate from the Director of Finance.
(f) Enter any area which is posted as being closed to the public to protect growth or establish plants or to protect wildlife or environmentally sensitive areas or which is used as a service facility or which is under repair.
(g) Use turf areas including athletic fields while the turf is saturated from rainy weather regardless of whether the user has a Parks and Recreation Department athletic field permit.
(h) Kindle fires for any purpose except in places provided for such purposes or in a portable barbecue in an area designed for such purpose.
(i) Operate any vehicle, motor driven cycle/scooter or aircraft, whether licensed or unlicensed within the park properties and facilities excepting those specifically authorized by the Director of Parks and Recreation or designated representative performing work for the City of San Mateo.
(j) Operate motorized model airplanes or other miniaturized vehicles except as authorized by the Director of Parks and Recreation or designated representative.
(k) Smoking, as defined by Section 7.40.020(k).
(l) Use for meetings or to conduct group activities to the exclusion of the general public except by permit upon the terms and conditions set forth by City ordinances.
(m) Use or attempt to use or interfere with the use of any table, space or facility which at the time is reserved by permit for any other person or group.
(n) Any conduct that is deemed to be unsafe or to lead to unsafe conditions.
(o) No person shall use, and it is unlawful to use, a City of San Mateo skateboard facility by any person who is not wearing a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads suitable to provide protection in the event o falls or collisions.