City of San Mateo Law Library
City of San Mateo Municipal Code.


Permitted bingo suppliers shall maintain a complete set of records which includes detail of all activities. These records shall include, but not limited to the use of pre-printed (form) sales invoices which reflect the following information:

(a) Date of sale;

(b) The customer name, and complete business address;

(c) A description and stock number of each line item sold;

(d) Quantity and sales price of each line item;

(e) The original and two (2) copies of the invoice shall be prepared and maintained as follows:

(1) Original issued to the customer,

(2) A copy retained in a file by customer name, and

(3) A copy file in (invoice number) numerical sequence;

(f) Credit memos for returned items shall be prepared in the same detail as items a through e;

(g) Detailed records of pulltabs sold, including serial numbers, dollar values of pulltabs and pulltab prizes.