City of San Mateo Law Library
San Mateo City Charter

9.07 Official City Newspaper.

The council periodically shall advertise for or call for the submission of sealed proposals or bids from all newspapers adjudicated to be newspapers of general circulation within the city, or if none, then from newspapers adjudicated to be newspapers of general circulation with in the County of San Mateo, for the publication of all ordinances and other legal notices required to be published. The council may designate the requirements for award of contract. The contract therefor shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, provided the rates for such publication shall not exceed the customary rate charged for publishing legal notices of a private character. The newspaper to whom such contract is awarded shall be known and designated as the official city newspaper.

In the event no such newspaper will contract with the city as herein provided, or if the official city newspaper is not published, then notice of the matters required to be published in the official city newspaper shall be given by posting copies thereof at three or more public places in the city as designated by the council, and such posting shall be equivalent to legal publication.