7.04 Verified Statement of Candidates.
(a) No earlier than the first day, and no later than the last day, specified or provided under state law for the filing of nomination papers by any candidate for elective municipal office in general law cities, as such law shall be in effect on the first day of January next preceding the municipal election, each candidate for an elective office shall file with the city clerk a statement containing the following information in the order herein set forth:
1. His/her name;
2. The office for which he/she is a candidate;
3. His/her present residence and occupation;
4. The various kinds of business or employment he/she has been engaged in during the past five years and where, also the positions of importance and trust which he/she may have held in connection therewith;
5. The civic, improvement or other organizations which he/she has been a member of within the past five years and the positions of honor or trust, which he/she may have held therein;
6. The public offices he/she ever held, if any, as principal, deputy or employee;
7. The experience, training or education he/she has received which, in his/her opinion, would qualify him to fill the office for which he/she is a candidate;
8. The length of time he/she has been a resident in the city;
9. The principal public improvements or betterments which he/she would urge the accomplishment of if elected;
10. The names of not more than 15 residents who know something of his/her character and abilities;
11. Any other information which, in his/her opinion, would enable the electors to determine his/her qualifications for said office.
(b) Said statement shall be verified, and be accompanied by a photograph of the candidate taken within the past two years.
(c) The city clerk shall cause the publication of the statements of each candidate so filed, with the candidate's photo engraving annexed thereto, in the official city newspaper by two insertions therein prior to the day of election. No response to any one of the various requirements above-mentioned shall exceed 100 words in length.
(d) The failure to submit the statement or other information shall not disqualify the candidate.