4.10 Treasurer/Fiscal Director. Powers and Duties.
There shall be a city treasurer/fiscal director who shall be appointed by the city manager, subject to approval by the city council, and who shall serve at the pleasure of the city manager as the head of the finance department. The treasurer/fiscal director shall have the power and shall be required to receive and safely keep all money and securities belonging to the city, and pay out the same only on written authority of the city manager or other officer or officers designated by the city manager or as otherwise authorized by law, this Charter or ordinances adopted pursuant thereto, and not otherwise. He/she shall also serve as ex officio tax and license collector for the city with the duties thereof as provided by ordinance or the general law of the state, unless the council by ordinance provides otherwise. The council may contract for the performance of the functions and duties of the treasurer/fiscal director.
Responsibility for the accounting system, accounts and controls, receipts and expenditures, and deposit and investment may be delegated by the city manager to the fiscal director. The fiscal director shall also have the power and be required to perform such other duties as are consistent with this Charter.