4.02 Administrative Departments. Generally.
The city council may provide by ordinance for the organization, conduct, creation, and operation of the departments of the city, and for their consolidation, alteration, or abolition. When the positions are not incompatible the city council may combine in one person the powers and duties of two or more officers. There shall be a separate Police Department and Free Public Library, each of which shall remain as a separate department with its own department head, provided, however, that the city council may enter into agreements with other agencies for the joint provision of police or library services.
The city council may assign additional functions or duties to offices, departments or agencies.
No office provided by this Charter to be filled by appointment by the city manager may be consolidated with an office to be filled by appointment by the city council.
Subject to the provisions of this Charter, the city council shall provide for the number, titles, qualifications, powers, duties, compensation, benefits, and other conditions of employment of all officers and employees. Salaries shall be fixed by resolution. (Res. No. 75 § 2, eff. 12-5-16)